Jeffrey Zable

The Question What I can’t understand is why the dead can’t be brought backonce in awhile for visits; especially for celebrations like birthdaysand anniversaries. It makes no sense to me given all the advancementsin science, medicine, and technology. You’d think someone wouldfigure out how to do it, someone with the mind of a Newton or an Einstein.I’m not saying it would be easy, but what I am saying is that with allthe people in the world missing friends and loved ones, surely someoneshould be able to solve this problem. They would not only become worldfamous but one of the richest people of all time because who wouldn’t paytop dollar to see a loved one again, someone they thought was gone for alleternity. I’m completely baffled that no one has figured out how to do it,but then maybe I’m the only one who’s thinking about it. . .
Worth Something Some would say that I wouldn’t make a good psychotherapistbecause if one of my patients said they didn’t enjoy being alive,I would respond, “Yeah, I know what you mean. I don’t care muchfor this life either!” And if they said, “I don’t even feel like gettingup in the morning,” I’d respond, “Most days I feel exactly the same.In fact I don’t even know how I made it here today!” And if they said,“Sometimes I feel like killing myself!” I’d respond, “If you ever reallydecide to do it, don’t hesitate to call me. Maybe we can do it together!”And if they said, “I don’t know what I’m paying you for!” I’d respond,“You’re paying me to be assured that someone understands and feels thatlife is as bleak for you as it is for me. That certainly is worth something!” Jeffrey Zable is a teacher and conga drummer who plays Afro Cuban Folkloric music for dance classes and Rumbas around the San Francisco Bay Area. His poetry, fiction, and non-fiction have appeared in hundreds of literary magazines and anthologies. Recent writing in Serving House Journal, Mocking Heart Review, Kairos, Third Wednesday, Futures Trading, Tower Journal, Jokes Review, Fear of Monkeys and many others.