Sneha Subramanian Kanta

history masquerades of civil uniformsdissolved in different identities,experience of death and plainnessthe fragmented quota of a land.terms and conditionsof the front linelanguage loses meaningwords become experienceof ineptitudeand the middle-aged,bound by their habitof fault findingcannot keep quiet.they won’t keep quiet.modern aesthetic reactionof technology and machineryit has consumedthe layers of our are mad to be here,in the bloody and indecisivemoonlight, with armsand the truth of falsitystaring at your face. Regiments The scrap of paper found inHemingway’s draft manuscriptof A Farewell to Arms,the words of Henry Jamesin the spring of 1915was probably to be usedas an epigraph,but wasn’t.Slow speech, full of unrest,the sound of words and thingscrumble like a pack of cards.Symptoms declare sicknessesas romance and reality fuseto alliance events of the war.That land of doom,full of uniforms,out of the battle linesdrawn on a large, brown canvasdestabilized society,its collapsing pride.Experimental narrativeselectric shocksfaltering the alreadyfaltered and quiveringout we goin the war. A humble GREAT scholarship awardee, Sneha Subramanian Kanta believes in grammar but not essentially tenses. Identity, gender, sensitivity (not necessarily in that order) pull her attention. Untold stories of refugees, people on borders and over margins of society are of particular interest for utterance. On an ordinary day, she reads Hemingway and meditates upon a glass of plain water. Her work is forthcoming in IMMIX, Sahitya Akademi's journal, Erstwhile Magazine, Fallujah Magazine, Dying Dahlia Review. She has also been featured in international literary anthologies such as The Dance of the Peacock (Hidden Brook Press, Canada) and most recently in by Peacock Journal's first print anthology to be published by Little Red Tree Publishing. Letters to